Monday, December 6, 2010


Identical twins
Identical twins become different over time because of environmental factors. This are the factors that shape the epigenome. From experiences and choices in their life, identical twins develop a different epigenome and therefore form a different phenotype.

A couple of factors that shape the epigenome are diet, stress, and different activities the twins choose throughout their life.

An imprinted gene is a gene that gives you traits from your parents epigenome. The epigenome tags on your genome are imprinted onto your epigenome from your parents.

Factors in my life that are shaping my genome are the decisions I make, the games I play, the people I meet, the people I follow, the people I learn from, everyone around me, and everything everyone does around me.

Lick your rats
High nurtured rats create more GR genes therefore giving the rat the ability the quickly get over stress because the cortisols attach to the GR genes and there not as many just floating around giving the highly nurtured rat the ability to get over stress easier.

The licking of the rat from a mother activates the GR genes.

The cortisols and the GR genes work together in order to give the organism the ability to either get rid of stress easily or difficultly from either high amount or low amount of GR genes.

Parents have a big impact on their children because they are the people they look up to. What the parent does or says, is effecting the child's actions. If a parent is loving and caring to that child, then he/she will most likely grow up to be a caring, loving parent. On the other hand, if the parent is abusive, then the child will grow up and most likely make the wrong decisions and become a mean, abusive parent.

Nutrition and The Epigenome
The food we eat can effect our epigenome because of the chemicals in the food. Those chemicals can effect the body in different ways. If one organism cannot withstand the effects of that chemical, then the body may act in a negative way. Whereas if the body can tolerate the chemical, then it may have a positive effect or not one at all.

Yes the diet of the mother can effect the offspring while the offspring is still in the fetus because whatever the mother eats, the nutrition goes through the umbilical cord and into the offspring. The nutrition of the food can effect the babies epigenome.

Epigenetics and the Human Brain
The methyl can influences the gene expression because the DNA methylation stabilizes the gene expression, which is important for storing information for a long time.

Drugs of abuse such as cocaine trigger epigenetic changes in certain brain regions, affecting hundreds of genes at a time. Some of these changes remain long after the drug has been cleared from the system. Research in this area suggests that some of the long-term effects of drug abuse and addiction may be written in epigenetic code.

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